I published my first book, Leading Imperfectly: The value of being authentic for leaders, professionals, and human beings, in July of 2015.
It’s about the idea that we cannot learn things from people who are perfect, we can only learn things from people who are imperfect. It’s filled with humorous storytelling and advice on authentic leadership. If you like the way I speak, you’ll like the way I write!
Everyone is a leader. Everyone. Whether you know it or not, someone out there is looking up to you…learning from you. Some of us play the leader role formally as supervisors, counselors, teachers, coaches, parents, or student leaders. Some of us shy away from leadership roles like these from fear we will be ineffective, that we don’t have anything to offer, or that we simply don’t know how to be a good leader.
Here’s the good news: There is nothing wrong with being a leader who doesn’t always get it right. It’s okay to be wrong, to make mistakes, to live a messy life. The important part is to keep hustling and never to settle for mediocre. In Leading Imperfectly, James Robilotta invites us to cuddle up with our flaws, share our reservations, and embrace that we all have more to learn together. He shows us how to lead from our faults, drawing on our own stories for inspiration and taking our leadership roles, but not ourselves, seriously, so we can learn as we go.
Leading Imperfectly changes the atmosphere of leadership literature. It instigates agency for ourselves and breathes meaning and hope back into conventional, perfectionist notions of leadership. James knows that flawless leadership is not only unobtainable and isolating, but that imperfect leadership—leading from your flaws—can have much greater impact. The power of your story and your growth is much more effective when you tell it truthfully—warts and all.
“I love the way James writes and speaks. His humor and storytelling make me laugh and touch my heart. I encourage you to read this book and become an authentic leader who transforms the hearts and minds of your team members.”
— JON GORDON, Bestselling Author of The Energy Bus and The Carpenter
“Entertaining! Funny! Thought-provoking! This book is not your typical leadership type book. James provides a new perspective on leadership, challenging readers to think about what it means to be vulnerable leaders as they seek authenticity. I cannot wait to use it in class.”
— TONY W. CAWTHON, Alumni Distinguished Professor of Student Affairs and Higher Education at Clemson University
“James uses the perfect combination of hilariously true stories, and very impactful lessons throughout his book. His message is the perfect model for young leaders and professionals, and will not leave a single reader uninspired! I truly cannot recommend this book enough!”
— KRISTEN HADEED, CEO of StudentMaid
“Readers will be inspired and motivated by this unique, humorous, and intelligent perspective of how to tap into your authenticity.”
— JOANNE E. NOTTINGHAM, Ph.D., Leadership Studies Program Coordinator, University of North Carolina Wilmington and Leadership Coach
“James is a hilarious guy who has a passion for developing authentic leaders, and this book proves both of those things.”
— ZHUBIN PARANG, Writer, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
“This book reads just the way James speaks, and that is a great thing.”
— PETER VAN STRALEN, CEO, Sunshine Brands, and Author of C.A.R.E. Leadership