Airplane Friends: Bonnie



Everyone, meet Bonnie. I had the opportunity to sit next to this warm-hearted rural Minnesotan on a recent flight from DC to the Twin Cities. She had the best accent & told me all about her husband, Earl Dean. They were flying back from Memphis after celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary!I asked Bonnie if she and Earl Dean traveled a lot.  She said this was only her second time in her life outside of Minnesota.  I asked her if this trip has sparked her inner travel bug and she replied, “Oh no, that was quite enough for me, I’ll stick to Minnesota.”Bonnie told me they met at a polka and he asked her to dance. He was apparently a terrible dancer but she fell for him anyway. The whole ride she would lean over and tell him across the aisle about what kind of drink he should order (tomato juice) & that they were serving scones. Old love is the best love, & I’m glad Bonnie & I are ‪airplane friends‬.