Which older woman are you?

Like a video game, there are stages in life they were are “supposed” to “unlock.” There are the educational levels: high school, college, and beyond. There are the relationship levels: marriage, children and grandchildren. Also the occupational stages: entry level, middle management, top of the food chain. And let’s not forget the financial ones: moving out of mom and dad’s house, home ownership and retirement portfolios. Advancing through each one gives us a sense of accomplishment. Alas, accomplishment and fulfillment are not the same thing.

Our lives are not meant to be like traditional video games where we advance level by level. That’s why I want more for you. Now, you may be really content so perhaps it’s wrong of me to project my thoughts of what I perceive to be a happy life on to you. But let’s say I am not wrong. Let’s say that when we think we are content it is in fact possible to be happier.

What can you do today to make yourself happier tomorrow?