The Second Coming of Elphaba


I went to Iceland in January because I wanted to see the aurora borealis. Unfortunately for me, the first night it was very cloudy and snowing, and on the second night there was a full moon - one of the archenemies for seekers of the northern lights. ⁣

Knowing I could still potentially capture some cool shots, I bundled up and headed out anyway. I had heard about this natural hot spring at the end of a road that was open 24/7 and the entrance fee was on the honor system, so I put that into my GPS and crunched my way out to my valiant Kia. After driving 45 minutes I arrived at a blocked road about a mile and a half from my destination. Cool. ⁣

I turned around and passed this small house with all of its lights on. It's always intriguing to see life miles from other life. So I decided to stop, hop out, and capture the frame I saw. This is the 30 sec. exposure I took.⁣

Here’s the catch... I saw NO green with my naked eye. So what that means is that my camera saw the northern lights before I did… WTF. Despite that, this is one of my favorite photos I have ever taken. I’m thinking of titling it, “The Second Coming of Elphaba.”⁣

There are probably some cool takeaways here about how, “life is more than what meets the eye,” or some shit about hope. But I just love this photo and I am proud of it – so that’ll do for today.⁣