You're So Big!!!



"Oh my goodness, you are so big!  I remember when you were only this tall!"  As a kid this reaction got real old, real quick.  Dear aunts, uncles, and family friends, your overly enthusiastic reaction to my normal childhood growth pattern speaks more to your lack of presence in my life than it did to my body’s ability to produce growth hormones.  As a kid, how are you supposed to react to that?  Thank you?  I’m trying me best?  Take another handful of pretzels?Being acknowledged for something you had no part in the success of is awkward.  That is why I don’t make a big deal over my birthday every year (much to the chagrin of my wife).  All I really did was survive another year, and coming from where I come from this is neither hard nor impressive.  Please note: if you make a big deal about your birthday, you do you, Boo, this is a judgment free zone and I look forward to going HAM at your party.However, now when I see my distant relatives and individuals who have been infrequently in my life, I love hearing the adult equivalent of, “you’re so big,” which is: “I’m happy for you!”   I love hearing that because now as I reconnect with people and tell them what I’m doing with my life, I am proud of the answer I can give them.It’s never too late to do something you’re proud of – to add value to your life.  If I ask you how you have been and your first response is, “same shit, different day,” then it’s time for you to start living your life on purpose.  Do something with your time that is worth talking about.  Volunteer at an animal shelter.  Coach Little League. Take an Interior Design class.  Mentor someone at work.  Create.  If you don’t start now then you’re going to have to endure a lot more, “you’re so big” awkward and empty conversations.