Ep 46: Riding the Self-Esteem Rollercoaster as an Actor with Anna Roisman

What do you get when you put two New York comedians in a Diner? Well, you get 15-minutes up-top talking about soup and how much we love to hate on New Jersey. Solid gold commentary and when you’re getting soup recs from the queen of viral internet soup videos, you better watch your mouth and listen up! This conversation was so fun and Anna is a blast. We talked about her love of acting, producing, and all things comedy. We bonded about our roles in Guys and Dolls, talked about family dynamics, and shared some dreams for our futures. She will inspire you to appreciate the present, to try new things, and to just hit record and stop worrying so much. Listen in, and be sure to let us know how you zhuzh up your matza ball soup.