Ep 56: What Living in China for 6 years and Leaving Your Dream Job Taught Life Coach, Geneviève Pépin

I don’t even know if there are diners in the Canary Islands, but I do know that this week’s guest, Geneviève Pépin, slid into this diner all the way from off the coast of Morocco. Geneviève and I started off discussing the magical foods that are poutine (because she’s from Quebec City) and arepas (because they are delicious). Then she told me about how she went from being a loner as a child who wanted to be an artist to getting lost in the corporate world. In her 20s she became a voracoius traveler and wound up studying and then working in China for 6 years! I loved hearing about her experience in China, what she loved about the culture there, and what surprised her. Because she has lived in many places, Geneviève calls herself a free agent of cultural norms, so naturally, I had to ask how one does that. We then discussed some of her professional careers. She talked about getting your dream job and then realizing it was not right for her and then knowing when to leave. It was fascinating hearing her talk about coming to terms with your control issues and understanding your relationship with control. And we finished up by going back and forth about, as a coach, how do you spark change? Loved this one y’all!